Parasites Regained

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Season 8 episode
Broadcast season 11 episode
Parasites Regained
Production number8ACV04
Written byMaiya Williams
Directed byCorey Barnes
Title captionFind The Hidden Story!
First air date14 August, 2023 [1]
Broadcast numberS11E04
Title referenceThe previous episode in the story, and Paradise Regained by John Milton
Opening cartoonBetty Boop's May Party by Fleischer Studios (1933)


Season 8
  1. The Impossible Stream
  2. Children of a Lesser Bog
  3. How the West Was 1010001
  4. Parasites Regained
  5. Related to Items You've Viewed
  6. I Know What You Did Next Xmas
  7. Rage Against the Vaccine
  8. Zapp Gets Cancelled
  9. The Prince and the Product
  10. All the Way Down
← Season 7

"Parasites Regained" is the one hundred and forty-fourth episode of Futurama, the fourth of the eighth production season and the fourth of the eleventh broadcast season. It aired on 14 August, 2023 [1], on Hulu. Leela and the crew fight to save Nibbler from some all-too familiar parasitic worms, which are diminishing his intelligence.


Act I

Act II



The writer of record for this episode is Maiya Williams.[2] Much like "Children of a Lesser Bog," the overseas production for this episode was handled by Digital eMation.


Additional information



  • In the game of 3D crossword, the puzzle is "What's a 2x3x5 letter name, for a 3x23x29 number name, for a movie featuring a 1x4x9 object?" with the answer being 2001: A Space Odyssey. Here, 2x3x5=30 is the number of letters in "Two Thousand and One A Space Odyssey", 3x23x29=2001 is the year that appears in the name of the movie, and 1x4x9 is the ratio of the monolith featured in the movie.
  • The game of Quantum Wordle alludes to the word-guessing game Wordle, and the word is seen flashing between boson and meson.

Dune references

The episode heavily relies on references to the Dune franchise, including both the books and the movie adaptations. Here is a list of all spotted references.

  • The native people are dung beetles and they pronounce the word "dung" as "dune-g".
  • The dung beetles have a custom of exchanging body fluids.



Alien Language Sightings

    Time: 2:03
    Location: Quizblorg, Quizblorg ℵ1 film
    Language: AL1
    Translation: Laughter



(In alphabetic order)
