Möbius Dick

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Season 6 episode
Broadcast season 8 episode
Möbius Dick
Production number6ACV15
Written byDan Vebber
Directed byDwayne Carey-Hill
First air date4 August, 2011
Broadcast numberS08E08
Title referenceMoby Dick and Möbius strips


Season 6
  1. Rebirth
  2. In-A-Gadda-Da-Leela
  3. Attack of the Killer App
  4. Proposition Infinity
  5. The Duh-Vinci Code
  6. Lethal Inspection
  7. The Late Philip J. Fry
  8. That Darn Katz!
  9. A Clockwork Origin
  10. The Prisoner of Benda
  11. Lrrreconcilable Ndndifferences
  12. The Mutants Are Revolting
  13. The Futurama Holiday Spectacular
  14. The Silence of the Clamps
  15. Möbius Dick
  16. Law and Oracle
  17. Benderama
  18. The Tip of the Zoidberg
  19. Ghost in the Machines
  20. Neutopia
  21. Yo Leela Leela
  22. Fry Am the Egg Man
  23. All the Presidents' Heads
  24. Cold Warriors
  25. Overclockwise
  26. Reincarnation
← Season 5Season 7 →

"Möbius Dick" is the one-hundred-and-third episode of Futurama, the fifteenth of the sixth production season and the eighth of the eighth broadcast season. It aired 4 August, 2011 on Comedy Central. Leela becomes obsessed with hunting down a mysterious four-dimensional space whale.


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This plot section needs updating.
The following plot section requires a going-over, such as giving it more detail and description.

Farnsworth is mourning the loss of his first Planet Express crew, having it been exactly 50 years since they were lost. To commemorate the anniversary, Farnsworth order the current crew to pick up a memorial and fly it back to Earth. However, on the way back, there is the Bermuda Tetrahedron, which is thought to have killed the lives of many spaceships which have travelled through it. But Leela insists that they should fly through.

In the spaceship graveyard inside the Tetrahedron, the crew spots the old Planet Express ship, where they find the crew to have been gone. However, inside the old ship, the crew is attacked by a four-dimensional space whale (which Leela refers to as a 'Möbius Dick'), and the flee to their current ship. The whale re-attacks them, eating their cargo and engine, but leaves the ship afloat.

Leela orders the crew to set the sun-wave sails to replace the spaceship engine. But instead of fleeing the Bermuda Tetrahedron, Leela decides to hunt down the whale. Her obsession with killing it, eventually means the crew is eaten by the whale, wherein the whale consumes her, as it feasts on obsession. But Leela manages to get the whale back to Earth, where she can re-introduce the crew and the first crew to their relatives.


During June 2011, Countdown to Futurama released three items of promotional material for the episode: concept art of the Planet Express ship with sails on 1 June, part of the storyboard showing Zoidberg crash in the ship's escape pod on 2 June, and a video clip of the Planet Express crew hunting the whale down on 18 June.

Image gallery

Additional Info


  • The episode was for some time thought to be the broadcast season's second episode, but the announcement that "Benderama" would air on 23 June in its place proved otherwise.[1]
  • This episode is among the Futurama media featuring its title within the story.
  • This is the first episode where Dr. John A. Zoidberg is addressed informally as "Johnny", which is due to the respect for and liking of him that Professor Farnsworth had at the time.


  • The title and the overall plot is a parody of the Herman Melville-penned novel Moby-Dick, which was previously referenced in "The Day the Earth Stood Stupid". The title is a portmanteau of Moby Dick and the Möbius strip.
    • Möbius Dick is also well known in the mathematics community as the answer to a pun-based math riddle: What's non-orientable and lives in the ocean? and the title of a 2000 science-fiction novel by Andrew Crumey.
  • The Bermuda tetrahedron is a reference to the real-life Bermuda Triangle, a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and surface vessels allegedly disappeared under mysterious circumstances. It's appearance is an allusion to The Route of Ages, an interdimensional portal from the show Andromeda.
  • The members of Professor Farnsworth's first crew are all blatant equivalents to his current crew. Lando Tucker was not only the crew's captain, but also has the same initials as Turanga Leela ignoring mutant naming conventions. Lifter is a robot whose name is its primary function. Candy, while she is female, is a type of comfort food, just as French Fries are.
  • Tickle Me Elmo's fire parodies St. Elmo's fire, an electrical weather phenomenon, and the Tickle Me Elmo doll based on the Sesame Street character. As a space phenomena, Tickle Me Elmo's fire is a separate concept from St. Elmo's fire.
  • When Leela calls the crew "you space dogs", she is referring both to the expression "you dog", and to the Soviet space dogs of the 1950s and 1960s.
  • When the current crew explores the old ship, multiple allusions are made to the Firefly episode "Bushwhacked".
  • The state of the old Planet Express ship, completely deserted but with food still set at a table, is a reference to the real-life "ghost ship" the Mary Celeste.
  • Fry describes their predicament as "like that Bible guy who got swallowed by a whale...Pinocchio!". This refers to both the Biblical figure Jonah, who was swallowed by a beast sometimes described as a whale, and the Disney version of Pinocchio, in which the title character is swallowed by the whale Monstro.
  • Captain Lando Tucker melded with whale's flesh might be a reference to the second and third films in Pirates of the Caribbean series, where several crew memebers are shown united with The Flying Dutchman ship.
  • The Fourth Doctor from the British television science fiction series Doctor Who can be seen, amongst others, emerging from the body of the four-dimensional space whale.
  • The sequence where the people exit the space whale's mouth is similar to the scene where the abductees leave the alien ship in Close Encounters of the Third Kind. The Professor even says "they haven't aged", a line said by a scientist during that sequence.

Space ship graveyard

A number of spaceships, vehicles, and objects are identifiable in the Bermuda Tetrahedron.


  • Leela's parents are shown on the surface without any trouble, confirming their freedom in "The Mutants Are Revolting".
  • Fry stated that he knew Professor Farnsworth had other crews, but not the first one. This is true, Fry was aware of the previous crew that died on duty since "Space Pilot 3000"; however, this is the only other crew mentioned in the series with the exception of future crews that Professor Farnsworth had assembled believing his current crew had died.


  • Dr. Zoidberg is shown to have been working at Planet Express since at least 2961, but it was established in "Insane in the Mainframe" that he began work in at Planet Express during 2992. This may be the new precedent, or could be a difference in the incarnations of Earth.
  • Zoidberg is drawn with teeth during the Professor's flashback.
  • When the whale is harpooned, the scar-like marking on it's eye disappears.


    Leela: Okay, which of you space dogs has the guts and know how to harpoon that whale?
    Amy: I spent a semester in Africa harpooning giraffes, and giraffes are basically just land space whales.
    Leela: Miss Wong, you have the 'poon.


(In alphabetic order)


  1. ^ reed (03 May 2011). "How many Benders is too many?". CGEF. Retrieved on 04 May 2011.