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Tertiary character
(from left to right) Oily, Fatbot, & Gearshift
ProfessionStudents at Mars University
First appearance"Mars University" (1ACV11)
OilyJohn DiMaggio
FatbotDavid Herman
GearshiftBilly West
The ERR Frathouse

The Fratbots are the three active members of the robot fraternity Epsilon Rho Rho. Gearshift is chapter president, while Oily and Fatbot round out the active member list. Gearshift laments they constitute "the lamest frat on campus" (adding that Hillel throws better parties), and begs Bender, a legendary member of the fraternity, for help. He obliges, and despite their "dodeca-tuple secret probation," hijinks commence. First, they climb a ladder to spy on the Dorm Girls' computer (and fall, demolishing Snooty House's servant quarters). A visit to the Dean's office does not go well. Finally, Bender enters them in the Big Fraternity Raft Regatta, helping them to an unlikely but delicious win; consequently Dean Vernon must grudgingly serve as Grand Marshall in a parade honoring Epsilon Rho Rho.

The Bots

In the order they appeared.


It has been suggested to move this section into its own article.
See talk page for a discussion.
Bender and Gearshift

Appearance: "Mars University" (1ACV11), "The Beast with a Billion Backs" (5ACV05)


It has been suggested to move this section into its own article.
See talk page for a discussion.
Appearances: "Mars University" (1ACV11), "Bendin' in the Wind" (3ACV13), "Soldier Boys" (US#041)

Info: Appears as one of the broken robots in the crowd at Bend-Aid. Note that this is not necessarily the same character, as it could merely be a different robot of the same model.
Quote: (Playing chess) Mate in 143 moves.


It has been suggested to move this section into its own article.
See talk page for a discussion.
Appearances: "Mars University" (1ACV11), "Crimes of the Hot" (4ACV08), "Obsoletely Fabulous" (4ACV14), "Soldier Boys" (US#041)

Info: Once caught a virus in Tijuana and had to be rebooted
Quote: W-when I'm nervous I get hungry