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Production Number: 2ACV05<br\> Title Caption: From the network that brought you "The Simpsons"<br\> First Aired: 02/06/00<br\>

The Story

Act I: "Just 19 hours until the mating frenzy!"

When Zoidberg is acting a bit crazier than usual, the Professor figures out that it is mating season on his home planet. They all go to Decapod 10, so Zoidberg can participate in the mating frenzy. Fry, Leela and Bender accompany him in the Planet Express Ship.

Act II: "You're right, my stink gland is weak!"

After arriving on Decapod 10, Zoidberg sets up an erotic display on the beach and attempts to attract a mate. After a long day of rejection, Zoidberg is ready to give up. He encounters Edna, a female he went to high school with. After she rejects him as well, Fry offers to help win her over by teaching him how to fake love. The plan works for a while, until Edna learns that Fry has been telling Zoidberg what to say. Edna falls in love with Fry, and makes a move on him. Zoidberg catches them together, and challenges Fry to Claw-Plach.

Act III: "How will I ever get rid of my male jelly now?"

Fry and Zoidberg begin their battle to the death in the recent and sacred tradition of Claw-Plach. Fry does well at first, but when he has Zoidberg at his mercy, he spares him. He starts to make a moving speach about friendship, but is interrupted when Zoidberg cuts his arm off. Fry retaliates by beating Zoidberg with his own severed arm, but the fight stops when the other Decapodians leave to perform the mating frenzy. Zoidberg misses out on the frenzy, while those who participate die and become a feast for seagulls.

Additional Info


  • Amy: Fool me 7 times, shame on you. Fool me 8 or more times, shame on me."
  • Professor: We, by which I mean you, will have to rush him to his ancient homeworld, which will shortly erupt in an orgy of invertebrate sex.
    Fry: Oh, baby, I'm there!
    Leela: Fry, do you even understand the word invertebrate?
    Fry: No, but that's not the word I'm interested in. No need to pack pants, people!
  • Zoidberg: It's all so complicated, with the flowers, and the romance, and the lies upon lies!


  • The window scene where Fry coaches Zoidberg is a reference to a similar scene from "Cyrano De Bergerac"
  • The story is based on the Star Trek episode "Amok Time," which is about the Vulcan mating time "Pon Farr."


(In alphabetical order)

Episode Credits