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Revision as of 17:35, 27 March 2007

Enos is never confirmed as a Fry, the name may come from Mildred, and therefore Minuteman is her ancestor (perhaps). It does make more sense that her baby be named for her father rather than her deceased-fiance's-father.

You have an excellent point, anonymous person. I shall now put to a vote whether it should be changed. Personally, I'll be abstaining, since I made the image and would probably vote to not change it, since that's more work for me -_- Buddy 13:57, 19 April 2006 (PDT)
Perhaps noting the possibility beside the article would suffice, either way it can't be 100% certain and the current display is generally excepted. (anonymous was me) - Quolnok 18:24, 19 April 2006 (PDT)
I managed to move stuff around in the image in Paint so that Mildred is listed as the Fry. So if it is decided to change it, there would be no more work for Buddy13. I would just need to upload the new version. I agree that the possibility should at least be noted in the article, whether we change the image or not. - ClonedWizard 22:36, 19 July 2006 (PDT)
See Media:Fry_Family_Tree_edit.jpg for the image that could be used - ClonedWizard 17:48, 21 July 2006 (PDT)
I vote firmly against this. I know the only proof we have is a gag line when Fry yells "I'll save you, dad!" or something to that effect into Enos' crotch. Lets face it, having Fry's father named Enos instead of Yancy was probably just an accidental consitancy error, but it's one the crew have already observed and provided an explanation for by skipping over Enos ("Just like me, and my grandfather, and so on..."). While we have some freedom to explain away contradictions, it's not our place to contradict cannon in order to do so, especially when there are plenty of explanations that don't require contradicting anything, the simplest being that Enos had an older brother named Yancy, who died in WWII like so many men his age). So I say leave it as it is, and warn that if it is changed, I'll bet we'll have to change it back when new content starts coming out. Gopher 18:59, 21 July 2006 (PDT)
Enos Fry, PFC

I voted. I know I said I'd abstain, but I have evidence now. Found on the same disc as Roswell that Ends Well, special features, the new Character sketches area. There are two slides of Enos, and both label him as Enos Fry (Private First Class). It's not in an episode, but it's as close to canon as I think we'll get. As for the name, in The Luck of the Fryrish, Yancy, Sr. clearly skips his father ("Like my grandfather...") because his "father" was named Enos. I don't think we even need to bother thinking about the possibility of Enos having a brother named Yancy, since the gap left was intentional. Now, on the issue of why Mildred would name her child after her dead fiance's father, it's conceivable that she had some reason to obfuscate the true father. Or maybe she really didn't know (no evidence is given that Enos and Mildred were sexually active, but she sure is forward with Fry, so who knows). It's possible (though convoluted) that she actually changed her own name to Fry and deceived the Fry family to get their financial support or something. Again, entirely speculative. But the reasons are not the issue. The issue is that the image listing Enos as a Fry is correct.

Well, that is enough to convince me. We're allowed to change our vote, right? - ClonedWizard 13:14, 27 July 2006 (PDT)
Okay, that's definate confirmation, I've removed the (now pointless) votes. - Quolnok 22:24, 29 December 2006 (PST)

Missing a Yancy Fry?

Shouldn't the graphic include another Yancy Fry as Enos' father?

Probably, in fact we could go back as far as Minute Man Yancy Fry, if we knew how many Yancys to put there. Most generations had been named Yancy Fry. But it would end up very cluttered. - Quolnok 22:24, 29 December 2006 (PST)
That's exactly why I left them out. "Just like my grandfather, and his father, and so on all the way back to Minute Man Yancy Fry, who blasted commies in the American Revolution." -- That sounds pretty close for a quote from memory and not having seen that ep for a while... Hope I did it well. Anyway, there two Frys listed there ("my grandfather and his father") that we could include, but it'd really be pointless. They'd just have question-mark portraits, and they'd add unnecessary height to the image. --Buddy 21:32, 31 December 2006 (PST)