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God Entity

I believe the voice for the God entity is used in this episode, I'm wondering if it's a purposeful reference to that character. When Bender is defeated in the fight against the ugly giant, light appears on Bender and a voice is heard saying "Walk into the light Bender." and Bender replies saying "Aww, man, do I have to walk?!" Polantaris 07:56, 24 June 2011 (CEST)

I'm not sure. It sounds more like a general, deep voice to me. I don't see why the Galactic Entity would bother talking to the big Bender. - akitalk 08:08, 24 June 2011 (CEST)

The Formula

The mass of an individual generation is just 60% the mass of a bender in the previous generation. So given the original mass M_0, the mass of a Bender in generation n should be M_0*0.6^(n-1) (assuming n starts at 1). So, given 2^(n-1) Benders per generation, the total mass should be the sum from n=1 to N of M_0*(1.2)^(n-1) = M_0*(1.2^n -1/)0.2 which does not converge as N -> infinity. (1.2 > 1). The article currently says that the mass changes by the cube of the scaling factor. Did I miss something in the episode, or should the mass of a Bender in generation n just be the 60% the mass of a bender in generation n-1 (consider the first duplication: In generation 2, there are 2 Benders, each massing 60% of the original. So, the mass of this generation is M_0*0.6*2; adding this to the original M_0 matches the formula above, 2.2*M_0).

Mass is directly proportional to the cube of length; that is, mass scales directly with volume. If Bender's height is scaled by 60% (and all other linear measures are similarly scaled by 60%), then Bender's volume is 60%^3 = 21.6% of the volume of the original Bender, thus 21.6% of the mass of the original. This has nothing to do with anything in the episode, but is rather a basic result from geometry or physics. Imagine that you have a perfect cube of material that measures 1 m on a side, and weighs 1 kg (thus having a density of 1 kg/m^3). Now make a scale copy of that cube that is 50% smaller. The new cube is half a meter on a side, and still has a density of 1 kg/m^3. Mass is density times volume, thus the new cube has a mass of (1 kg/m^3)*(0.5 m)^3 = 0.125 kg. -- 17:19, 25 June 2011 (CEST)
I interpreted it as 60% the volume, which would imply 60% as massive. I'll watch the episode again, but you're probably right that it's a 3/5 scale length ratio.
In general, when people talk about scale, they are referring to linear scale. Hence a 1:45 scale model of a train would be a model train that is 1/45th of the length of a full sized train. Thus typical usage would suggest that Bender is scaled by a linear factor of 60% (i.e. all linear measurements are scaled to 60%). If we assume that volume is scaled by 60%, then linear measures would be scaled by about 84% (the cube root of 60%). Visually, it would appear to me that the copies are 60% of the height of the original, rather than 84%. -- 19:27, 25 June 2011 (CEST)
I understand what you're saying; I probably just wan't paying too much attention to detail the first time around (it is a comedy cartoon, after all!). Thank you for pointing it out.
Maybe I missed it, but was there a rule that each Bender could only reproduce once to make 2 "children"? Because if the Bender's could reproduce indefinitely, the formula doesn't apply.
Each Bender could multiply into 2 more benders, but since the copying machine was in Bender, it too would get duplicated, so they could duplicate infinitely as long as they find matter to stuff into the machine. Polantaris 11:55, 26 June 2011 (CEST)