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Robosexuality is the love and/or sexuality between a human and a robot, making them robosexuals. Highly controversal, such relationships are not illegal, though robosexual marriages are.

The term first appears in "Space Pilot 3000" with Bender telling Fry to say he is his debugger so others don't believe them to be robosexuals. It seems that it is subject to controversy and forbidden by Space Catholicism, and the controversy can be described as a future version of the 21st century controversy to homosexuality. It should be noted that sometimes the human and the robot can be the same gender, but sometimes they can be different genders (e.g. a male human and a female robot, or a male robot and a female human).

In "I Dated a Robot", Fry downloads a robotic version of Lucy Liu and begins a robosexual relationship of high controversy. Such relationships are not forbidden, but highly discourages by the Earthian government, claiming that as all of man's conquests are the result of impressing the other mate, robosexual relationships would bring down society.

According to Bender's Big Score, the Hedonismbot and his servant Djambi are robosexuals. In Cornwood Gynecaladriel is robosexual as she seduces Titanius Anglesmith.

Futurama's big robosexual episode is the upcoming "Proposition Infinity", in which Bender and Amy start a robosexual relationship. Proposition Infinity only affects the state of New York and only legalized opposite-gender robosexual marriage, not same-gender robosexual marriage.


This list includes media wherein the term is used or where we see the concept.